Your View Just Got an Upgrade – New Updates to VIEWER

Visualization is a fundamental building block of aerial imagery. If you can’t see what you need to see, readily and easily, how will you be able to extract value from the image?

Our operations partner, Vexcel, provides GIC members access to a comprehensive library of geospatial data via their web-based platform, Viewer. Members are able to unlock rich layers of location content and view captures for property and parcels across the lower 48 states in high resolution. And now that view has been improved!


The streamlined design for users means you can see and scroll through every capture, from ortho to oblique to color-infrared, with just the click of button. Getting to the content you want has never been simpler. Below is a quick synopsis, including examples, to highlight the benefits and new features recently launched in Viewer.


Quickly rotate between oblique views of a property in all four cardinal directions, just with the click of a button.


View historical imagery and compare changes to a property over time as a result of construction or disaster impact. Get ahead of claims and help serve your impacted customers in a more timely manner.


As you access rich location data through Viewer at your home, office, or on the go, these enhancements will help give you better insight into the location intelligence that’s available at your fingertips. Get better connected to real truth on the ground and start managing your entire of book of business with ease.

Want to learn more? Log into your account or schedule a demo of Viewer here.