APIs & Integrations

Add imagery to your apps and workflows

The Power to Optimize Your Workflows

Increase your productivity by integrating imagery provided by the GIC into your daily workflows so you have access to real location intelligence where you need it most.

Analyze Data In Your Platform

Bring visualization to life with powerful GIS tools that allow you to see the GIC’s high-resolution imagery in your preferred platform. By incorporating real ground truth into a range of analytic and GIS platforms, such as ArcGIS, QGIS, and Verisk, you can create accurate base layer maps for evaluating property more precisely and efficiently.

Partners & Integrators

The GIC has established relationships with partner organizations who have been vetted and certified for custom integration, applications, and analytics at member preferred rates.


Easy Access with APIs

In order to bring the extensive dataset of the GIC into your preferred GIS platform, application program interfaces (APIs) are available for fast and simple integration of location content.

Image Services for ArcGIS and MapControl SDK

Access orthomosaic imagery, oblique and nadir imagery, and elevation data in Esri apps and software. With Image Services for ArcGIS, you get imagery and data updates as we publish it, and at a higher resolution and better accuracy than satellite imagery. No plug-ins required.

Bring the world’s largest aerial imagery program into your programs with MapControl SDK. With just few lines of JavaScript code, developers can build GIC imagery and other tools into their mobile and web applications as well as GIS and CAD programs.

Request A Demo

Unlock more insights for insurance.

  • Flexible memberships
  • Aerial imagery for urban & rural areas
  • Post-CAT imagery
  • Property & damage reports
  • Elevation & 3D models
  • Top-class support
  • And much more

Imagery Available: Park Fire, CA
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